A suggestible solution is the combined production of thin slab continuous casting and continuous rolling together with strip casting, so that it will be complemental in superiority for both of them. 利用薄板坯连铸连轧和薄带铸轧组合方案生产不锈钢可以更好地形成优势互补。
Analysis of the combined Production Melamine Plant and By High-pressure process Urea Plant by CO_2 Stripping Proeess 高压法三聚氰胺装置与二氧化碳汽提法尿素装置联产利弊浅析
Combined production practices, research is done on the high-quality lime which produced through rotary kiln for converter steel making at Bengang. 结合生产实践,对本钢回转窑生产供转炉炼钢用高质量石灰进行研究。
In June, Chinese steel production was the highest on record, about equal to the combined production of the next seven largest producing countries. 6月份,中国钢铁产量创下最高纪录,大约相当于中国之后七个钢铁大国的总产量。
Combined Production and Resources Board 联合生产和资源委员会
A large market share is, however, controlled by small processors, whose combined production amounts to140000 tonnes. 但小加工商也拥有一块不小的市场份额,总产量达到14万吨。
And two ropes combined production of synthetic fiber network. 以及良种化纤缆绳组合制作的合成网络。
Comparison of Energy Consumption between Combined Production of Heat, Electric, Cool and Combined Production of Heat, Electric Plus Electricity-driven Refrigeration Energy consumption analysis on the steam heating system in small-scale co-generation system 热电冷联产与热电联产加电制冷能耗比较分析小型热电联产蒸汽供热系统的能耗分析
Reference junciton error ( of thermocouple) Comparison of Energy Consumption between Combined Production of Heat, Electric, Cool and Combined Production of Heat, Electric Plus Electricity-driven Refrigeration (热电偶的)参比端误差热电冷联产与热电联产加电制冷能耗比较分析
Through earnest analyzing and studying, the combined production control technique of MRP and JIT has been chosen, and the existing production control mode has been renewed by using advanced plan function of MRP and strong control ability of JIT. 通过认真分析和研究,选择MRP与JIT相结合的生产管理技术,利用MRP先进的计划功能和JIT强大的控制能力,优化现有生产管理模式;
That's why the proper sharing principle, which is set by property rights settlements, is the core of combined production policy. 因此,通过产权安排确立合理的分享原则,构成了联合生产决策的核心命题。
Economic Analysis for Combined Production of 4000t/ a Methanol with Low Pressure! Process in Coal Gasification Plant 煤炭气化联产4万t/a低压法甲醇的经济性
Research on H_2S Converting to COS from Combined Production of City Gas and Methanol 甲醇联产中H2S转化合成COS的研究
Construction Summarization in Ammonium Carbonate Combined Production Project with Melamine with a Capacity of 3 000 t/ a 3000t/a三聚氰胺与碳铵联产工程建设总结苯甲醛和丙酰氯联产工艺的研究
The card is a combined production of high speed circuit design and large scale integrated circuit design. 该卡是高速电路设计和大规模集成电路设计技术结合应用的成果。
As a mode of production, combined production is the one including competition as well as corporation. 联合生产是一种内含竞争与合作的生产方式。
Modern technology for the combined production of ham and sausage 综合生产火腿和香肠的现代化设备
The Comparison of Combined Production Policies with Different Property Rights Settlements 不同产权安排下联合生产决策的比较研究
The combined production of salt, alkali and magnesium 论盐、碱、镁的联产问题
The production process of combined production of ammonia and methanol is a main method for methanol production. 氨联产甲醇生产法是生产甲醇的一种主要方法。
Risk Recognition and Assessment of Materials in Combined Production of Ammonia and Methanol and Safety Measures 氨联产甲醇物料的危险性辨识、评价及安全措施
Design and operation of phosphogypsum combined production cement plant 磷石膏联产水泥工厂的设计与运行
With the rapid development of morden cold rolling strip prodution and renewal of technology and equipment, the quality of cold rolled strip are improved abruptly by use of new descaler, rolling mill, annealing equipment, sorts of combined production line as well as AGC computer system. 现代冷轧带钢生产技术飞速发展,工艺与设备不断更新,新式除鳞设备、轧机、退火设备、多种联合生产线的出现及AGC计算机系统的采用,都极大地提高了冷轧带钢的质量。
Combined Production of Methanol Fuel in Synthetic Ammonia Equipment 合成氨装置联产甲醇燃料
And the core of its function is software. It is the combined production of the computer technique and instrumentation technique. 测试功能以软件为核心,是计算机技术与仪器技术相结合的产物。
In order to resolve the above problems from their root, the studying team has developed the migration portable and environment-friendly pigsty ( removable pig house) which is suitable for crop-animal combined production. 为了从根源上解决以上问题,本课题组研制了适于种养结合生态养殖的可便携装拆迁移式环保型猪舍(可拆迁式猪舍)。
Then analyzed the current problems in the development and production fell well area or low-yield wells factors combined production performance data. 然后结合生产动态资料,分析了目前开发中存在的问题,及井区产量下降或油井低产因素。